2018 Game Summary Updates Begin

I’m pleased to announce that the 2018 Retrosheet game log files have been uploaded to the VBP database. This data can be used to create analysis at the game level, with a wide array of data elements, including the following:

  • Scores
  • Attendance
  • Umpires
  • Winning pitcher
  • Losing pitcher
  • Home runs
  • …and much more

This data provides the input for the Game Explorer visualizations on this site, which will be updated shortly to include the 2018 season. If you haven’t seen them previously, the Game Explorers allow users to filter across many data attributes to retrieve specific results. Here’s a screenshot:

The next step is to create the 2018 version of the explorers, adding to the existing files covering the 1955-2017 seasons. I’ll keep you posted as soon as 2018 is available on the site. Thanks for reading!

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